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original artworks, images & photographs by Jessica Langton

'Fleurs de Vie' Collection

'Red Flower' abstract gestural large canvas in acrylics and inks painted by the international artist Jessica Langton in her studio in the south of France.
A china ink study of a flower by international artist Jessica Langton, part of a collection made in her studio in the south of France
an ink and acrylic drawing called 'cranesbill study' by the international artist Jessica Langton in her mediterranean studio in the south of France.
Small Dark Flower study in acylics and inks on paper by the international artist Jessica Langton in her studio in the south of France

 ' Jardins Secrets' 

Collage Collection

Collage-painting created by international artist Jessica Langton inspired by the gardens of Monet at Giverny, and part of a large series of works made in her studio in the south of France
one of the 'Jardin Secret' series of painted collages by international visual artist Jessica Langton in her mediterranean studio in the south of France
Wood Collageedit.jpg

'Cultiver' Collection

Orchard, No. 4 one a of series of large canvases painted by international visual artist Jessica Langton in her studio in the south of France
'spring seeds' a large format painting on canvas produced by international visual artist Jessica Langton in her mediterranean studio in the south of France. The process of making the painting, during lockdown, or the 'confinement' in France was documented and videos show how it progressed from day to day during the period.
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Meadowsweet Blues, study 1 (2)edit.JPG
Meadowsweet study 7edit.jpg

 'Cercles et Symboles'


'Parcours Tracés'  Collection

'Meditation Scroll', acrylic and ink painting on free-hanging canvas by international visual artist Jessica Langton in her mediterranean studio in the south of France
Painting in acrylics and inks by international visual artist Jessica Langtonin her mediterranean studio in the south of France
large format canvas in acrylics and inks and gold paint by international visual artist Jessica Langton. One in the series of paintings inspired by Elizabethan poetry.
Painting in acrylics and inks by international visual artist Jessica Langton. One of the 'Angelic' series.

A slide show retrospective of large paintings on canvas

'artworks on the wall & in their new homes'

More Customer & Collector Commentaries...

 “You have this amazing ability to work in 3D throughout the creative process. I'm mesmerised. It's not a canvas - it's a space or a realm where elements are becoming.” “My chosen artwork has brought me great joy and energy over the last couple of days. I have been studying it so much and have even made it the cover of my phone - so that I can have the pleasure of looking at it every day. There is something really special about the power and fragility that you have - I want to say captured but that is a contradiction - unleashed and set free on the canvas.” “Just to let you know I had a really quick look at the painting and I’m IN LOVE! ”   “I have put the painting up in my bedroom and I love it. I initially set out to stretch the canvas over a frame, but decided to nail it up on the wall instead, which works really well! I think I might leave it like that as it looks really 'effortless' in a way. “

Nabil, Sheffield, UK.  Recommended by a collector, website and email.

“What I'd like to do is buy ‘Jardin Secret’ series, No. 3.  I love it, and it's going to be very easy to incorporate it into my life and the space I live in. I will then take up your fabulously generous offer of creating me a picture that's bespoke. That is unbelievably exciting.” “It was expertly packed! I couldn't resist completely unwrapping last night, and I love it. I'm very pleased I did this- thank you”

Jane, Sydney, Australia.’  Website and FaceBook.

“Nous te remercions beaucoup pour ces très belles photos et nous avons vraiment hâte de voir ces toiles en vrai. C’est très beau et elles correspondent déjà à ce que nous souhaitions.”  “Un Grand Merci pour ces beaux tableaux. C’est tout à fait ce que j’aime et je les trouve parfait !! Ils vont être du plus bel effet une fois accrochés…”

Colette, south of France. Studio visit, website and email.

“That is looking awesome! I’m really excited to see them (and have started a bit of idle daydreaming about wall space & hanging. Which I know is premature, but part of the fun).” “Finally able to pick up the piece this morning, and it’s got pride of place on my living room wall. I’m delighted.”

Jack, London UK.  Website and email.

“Very positive and very helpful.”  

Rob, Manchester, UK.  Website and email.

“Artwork safely received - packaging excellent. It is beautiful.”

Sandy, Dubai.’  Website and email.

“It was wonderful to meet you and I am THRILLED with my new acquisitions. I have been daydreaming about them ever since.” “Everything arrived in perfect condition. I love them EVEN more now that I see them here. The colours are just perfect. They could all work in many different locations…. will be hard to decide!”

Julian, Toronto, Canada. After a studio visit, email.

"The picture has arrived safely this morning. It's wonderful. I am thrilled. You did a great job in packing!!!"

Michael, UK. Studio visit, email.

“Je reviens tout juste et j’ai pu admirer les tableaux. Ils sont magnifiques.

Bravo, et grand merci pour le «service tout compris »  (papier cadeau, livraison et discrétion !)"

Anouck, south of France. Exhibition, website, email.

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